Catalyzing agents of change who co-create a vibrant, diverse and resilient civil society in Jerusalem.
The Jerusalem Model will catalyze a new generation of influencers, civil society leaders, creatives and grassroots social entrepreneurs who recognize Jerusalem’s diversity as the core creative driver of the city. A city that:
Provides a center of civic engagement and an innovative lab for social creativity.
Capitalizes on its diverse human fabric and empowers leadership from all sectors of society to elevate the quality of life in the city.
Will transform the perception of Jerusalem from being known for strife, conflict and poverty to one that is rich in spirit and culture.
Is a model of a shared society, centered around grassroots activists, entrepreneurs and leaders who have stepped up to redesign their reality. Alexander Alexander2019-11-01 14:58:592019-11-01 14:58:59Doubling Down on Disruption: The Resiliency of Civil Society in Jerusalem